Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary #3

accolade - noun a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
            The cardiology team at ealing hospital has been awarded the prestigious accolade of cardiology team of the year 2004 by hospital doctor magazine

acerbity - noun a sharp sour taste; a sharp bitterness; a rough and bitter manner
            The acerbity of Kathy’s tone was hard to listen to.

attrition - noun the act of rubbing together; wearing something down by friction; a wearing down to weaken or destroy
            When the scientist rubbed together the two mattertials but by the end of the experiment the materials had attrition by the end.

bromide - noun; a trite or obvious remark
            Alex during his speech had a few bromide remarks put in there.            

chauvinist - noun an extreme bellicose nationalist; a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind
            The chauvinist person advocated his own country and rights were more important then others.

chronic - adj. being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering
            The adventure Odysseus had was chronic and lasted several years in the tragic epic.

expound - verb add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
            The teacher expounds the lesson to make sure everyone got a clear picture as to what was happening.

 factionalism- self interested; partisan: Factional interests had obstructed justice.
            Ethno-religious and tribal factionalism predominate over nationalism.

immaculate - adj. completely neat and clean; free from stain or blemish; without fault or error
            Kathy makes sure her room is immaculate for others to view and for herself.

imprecation - noun the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult); a slanderous accusation
            The three witches imprecated a spell on Billy for making fun of them.
ineluctable - adj. impossible to avoid or evade: "inescapable conclusion"
            Graduating and going to college is ineluctable and it really scares me at times.

mercurial - adj. changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic: a mercuria lnature
            Together, the steady dandelions and the mercurial orchids offer an             adaptive flexibility that neither can provide alone.          

palliate - verb provide physical relief, as from pain; lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
            When I broke my foot I tried to palliate the pain by getting my mind of the pain.

protocol - noun code of correct conduct; forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state; (computer science) rules determining the format and transmission of data
            The protocol for dances is to no rub on each other, but not a lot of students follow the rules at school which is horrible.
resplendent - adj. having great beauty and splendor
            Kathy is resplendent yet treats everyone at her level.

stigmatize - verb mark with a stigma or stigmata; to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
            The teacher stigmatized for the rest of the year me right when I got in the door and was late on the second day of class.   

sub rosa- Happening or done in secret
            The sub rosa event was put on and no body had a clue it was planed until it actually happened.

 vainglory - noun outspoken conceit
            In performing their funerals, they show no state or vainglory.

vestige - noun an indication that something has been present
            When the teacher came back after the weekend he vestige that someone was in his classroom after he left.

volition - noun the act of making a choice; the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention
            Everyday people need to make millions of volition decisions that may effect them closely or later on in life.

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