Monday, January 28, 2013

Dickens Map

 1) your reading schedule to complete your reading/review of the book by Monday, February 4

Plan of attack: I have been reading up to 5-7 chapters a night. By this spead I should be a good way through the book. With that said if by sunday day I don't have it done I will catch up then and then also do my review of the book as well.

 2) five AP questions (with source URLs) that you intend to be able to answer by the time you finish

1.How does Dr. Manette react when he is asked if he wants to be ¨recalled to life¨?

2.What is Mr. Lorry's conversation like with the specter?

3.Dickens seems to have great sympathy for the poor, the sick and the powerless, but not all such characters are portrayed sympathetically. What does that say about his sympathies? Where does he intend our sympathies as readers to lie?

4.One of the novel’s most important motifs is the figure of the double. What is the effect of Dickens’s doubling technique? Does he use doubles to draw contrasts, comparisons, or both?

5.Are the characters consistent in their actions? Which of the characters are fully developed? How? Why?

3) how you think you should be tested on these ideas, and/or how you intend to demonstrate your expertise on your blog.

My plan is to not only put my notes of the book on the blog but to also create some type of review of the book to show that I know and fully understand the concepts of this novel. Also to answer all these questions and to maybe answer more questions I find.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it looks like you haven’t posted the literary terms 83-108 yet. It has been marked in the grade book but I look forward to seeing them when you get around to posting them.
